
Pet Name: Nana
Sex: Female
Colour: Brown
Date of Birth: 7 July 2014

Health Info

Hips: BVA 6 (3/3)
Elbows: BVA 0 (0/0)
Heart (test date): Grade 0. Echo doppler Normal 1.69m/sec (31/05/2018)

We do our best to verify health data, including checking the following databases;

However, we cannot guarantee the validity or accuracy of all data as some is collected from unverified sources such as breeder web sites - see the disclaimer in the page footer.


Dani Ball


Name: Angela Moir
Location: South Lanarkshire
Country: United Kingdom

Pedigree & Relatives

Pet Name: Hogan
Colour: Black [carrying Brown recessive]
DoB: 28 February 2010
Pet Name: Holly
Colour: Brown
DoB: 6 October 2011
Only offspring recorded in our database appear here, there may be unentered offspring. If they should be included, feel free to email the request and information to
Name Pet Name Colour DoB

Only close relatives recorded in our database appear here, there may be others. If you would like to see them included, feel free to email a request and information to
Name Pet Name Colour Relationship Common Parent(s)
NEWGRADEN'S GOLD DUST Brown Half sister Sire
NEWGRADEN BRING IT Brown Litter sister Both

Show Results


Note: Only 1st, 2nd and 3rd places plus CC, Reserve CC, BoB, BPiB and Working Group/Best In Show results are shown. Some BViB and BSpBiB are also shown. Minor placings and stakes classes are not recorded.
Date Show Class or Award Judge (Affix or info)
04 April 2015 Northern Newfoundland Club Second in Special Open - Brown Mr. Stuart J. Mallard (non-breed specialist - Tuckles)
17 May 2015 Scottish Kennel Club Third in Puppy Mr. Stephen W. Hall (non-breed specialist - Shenedene)
29 August 2015 Scottish Kennel Club First in Junior Mr. Peter J. Jolley (non-breed specialist - Rubio)
29 August 2015 Scottish Kennel Club Reserve CC Mr. Peter J. Jolley (non-breed specialist - Rubio)
19 September 2015 Darlington Dog Show Society First in Junior Mr. Barry Carr (Sauvtage)
01 October 2015 Driffield Agricultural Society Second in Junior Mr. William E. Piggott (Portesk)
17 October 2015 The Newfoundland Club First in Junior Mr. Jeff Luscott (non-breed specialist - Jalus)
17 October 2015 The Newfoundland Club First in Special Open - Brown Mr. Jeff Luscott (non-breed specialist - Jalus)
25 October 2015 Midland Counties Canine Society Second in Junior Mr. John J. Burrows (Mayoss)
07 November 2015 Working & Pastoral Breeds Association of Scotland First in Junior Mr. Stephen Hourihan (Fastnetrock - Ireland)
07 November 2015 Working & Pastoral Breeds Association of Scotland First in Yearling Mr. Stephen Hourihan (Fastnetrock - Ireland)
07 January 2016 Boston & District Canine Society First in Junior Mrs. Catherine (Margaret) Cox (Coxbrook)
07 January 2016 Boston & District Canine Society First in Graduate Mrs. Catherine (Margaret) Cox (Coxbrook)
12 March 2016 Crufts First in Yearling Mrs. Jenny Davie (Ceilidh)
02 April 2016 Northern Newfoundland Club Third in Graduate Mr. Einar Paulsen (Cannon Bears - Denmark)
02 April 2016 Northern Newfoundland Club Third in Special Open - Brown Mr. Einar Paulsen (Cannon Bears - Denmark)
20 May 2016 Scottish Kennel Club Second in Yearling Mr. J. Mike Sutcliffe (Galygard)
26 June 2016 Blackpool & District Canine Society First in Graduate Mr. Howard Parker (Evanpark)
26 June 2016 Blackpool & District Canine Society CC Mr. Howard Parker (Evanpark)
30 June 2016 Windsor Dog Show Society First in Yearling Mrs. Del Richards (Sheridel)
08 July 2016 East Of England Agricultural Society Second in Graduate Mr. Jeff Horswell (non-breed specialist - Drakesleat)
22 July 2016 Leeds City & District Canine Association Second in Limit Mr. Andrew R. Sussams (Sealcove)
20 August 2016 Welsh Kennel Club First in Limit Mrs. Cathy Lyall (Scotiabear)
28 August 2016 Scottish Kennel Club Third in Limit Mr. Steven Anderson (Gezandos)
03 September 2016 City of Birmingham Canine Association Second in Limit Mr. Gordon C. Rual (non-breed specialist - Gilcoru)
17 September 2016 Darlington Dog Show Society Third in Limit Mrs. Pam Leech (Mileoak)
29 September 2016 Driffield Agricultural Society Second in Limit Mr. K. Robin Newhouse (non-breed specialist - Annecy)
08 October 2016 South Wales Kennel Association Second in Limit Mrs. Gill M. Barker (Startrek)
22 October 2016 The Newfoundland Club First in Mid Limit Mr. Ian Sexton (non-breed specialist - Greenmile)
22 October 2016 The Newfoundland Club First in Special Open - Brown Mr. Ian Sexton (non-breed specialist - Greenmile)
27 October 2016 Midland Counties Canine Society Third in Limit Mr. Stuart J. Mallard (non-breed specialist - Tuckles)
26 November 2016 Southern Newfoundland Club Second in Limit Mrs. Debra Thornton (Cypress Bay - USA)
26 November 2016 Southern Newfoundland Club Third in Special Open - Brown Mrs. Debra Thornton (Cypress Bay - USA)
21 January 2017 Manchester Dog Show Society Second in Limit Mr. Graham A. Hill (non-breed specialist - Dimland)
01 April 2017 Northern Newfoundland Club Second in Limit Mr. Attila Soós (Midnight Lady's - Hungary)
01 April 2017 Northern Newfoundland Club Second in Special Open - Brown Mr. Attila Soós (Midnight Lady's - Hungary)
06 May 2017 Birmingham National Dog Show Second in Limit Mr. Ben Reynolds-Frost (non-breed specialist)
21 May 2017 Scottish Kennel Club Second in Limit Mr. William J. Dobbin (Brooklynbear)
28 May 2017 Bath Canine Society Third in Limit Mr. Johan J. Juslin (non-breed specialist - Rivale, Finland)
18 June 2017 Border Union Agricultural Society First in Limit Mr. Patrick Galvin (Merrybear)
25 June 2017 Blackpool & District Canine Society First in Limit Mr. Andrew H. Brace (non-breed specialist - Tragband)
15 July 2017 National Working & Pastoral Breeds Society Third in Open Mrs. Lucinda M. Burgess (Bearsted)
19 August 2017 Welsh Kennel Club Second in Open Mr. John J. Burrows (Mayoss)
26 August 2017 Scottish Kennel Club Second in Open Mrs. Loraine Ratter (Seafar)
28 September 2017 Driffield Agricultural Society Second in Good Citizen Dog Scheme Mrs. Jan D. Groves (Bridgestone)
21 October 2017 The Newfoundland Club First in Limit Mr. Frode Jevne (non-breed specialist - Norway)
21 October 2017 The Newfoundland Club Third in Special Open - Brown Mr. Frode Jevne (non-breed specialist - Norway)
18 November 2017 Southern Newfoundland Club Second in Limit Mrs. Del Richards (Sheridel)
18 November 2017 Southern Newfoundland Club Second in Special Open - Brown Mrs. Del Richards (Sheridel)
08 March 2018 Crufts First in Limit Mr. David J. Butcher (Muscadine)
08 March 2018 Crufts First in Good Citizen Dog Scheme Mr. David J. Butcher (Muscadine)
08 March 2018 Crufts CC Mr. David J. Butcher (Muscadine)
08 March 2018 Crufts Best of Breed Mr. David J. Butcher (Muscadine)
08 March 2018 Crufts WINNER of WORKING GROUP Mr. David Killilea (non-breed specialist - Redwitch)
07 April 2018 Northern Newfoundland Club First in Limit Mrs. Susan M. Benyon (Kaijasholme)
07 April 2018 Northern Newfoundland Club First in Special Open - Brown Mrs. Susan M. Benyon (Kaijasholme)
07 April 2018 Northern Newfoundland Club CC Mrs. Susan M. Benyon (Kaijasholme)
21 April 2018 Working & Pastoral Breeds Association of Wales Second in Limit Mr. Barrie M. Croft (non-breed specialist - Malcro)
13 May 2018 Birmingham National Dog Show Third in Open Mr. K. Robin Newhouse (non-breed specialist - Annecy)
18 May 2018 Scottish Kennel Club Second in Open Mr. Ian Sexton (non-breed specialist - Greenmile)
18 May 2018 Scottish Kennel Club Reserve CC Mr. Ian Sexton (non-breed specialist - Greenmile)
07 June 2018 Three Counties Agricultural Society First in Open Mr. Graham D. Brace (Boromir)
07 June 2018 Three Counties Agricultural Society CC Mr. Graham D. Brace (Boromir)
16 June 2018 Border Union Agricultural Society First in Open Mr. Richard C. Kinsey (non-breed specialist - Kitarn)
16 June 2018 Border Union Agricultural Society CC Mr. Richard C. Kinsey (non-breed specialist - Kitarn)
16 June 2018 Border Union Agricultural Society Best of Breed Mr. Richard C. Kinsey (non-breed specialist - Kitarn)
16 June 2018 Border Union Agricultural Society FOURTH in WORKING GROUP Mr. Tan Nagrecha (non-breed specialist - Chandlimore)
24 June 2018 Blackpool & District Canine Society First in Open Mrs. Patricia Chadwick (non-breed specialist)
24 June 2018 Blackpool & District Canine Society CC Mrs. Patricia Chadwick (non-breed specialist)
08 July 2018 East Of England Agricultural Society First in Open Mr. Terry N. Munro (non-breed specialist - Stornum)
29 July 2018 Leeds City & District Canine Association First in Open Mr. Frank Kane (non-breed specialist - Hirontower)
29 July 2018 Leeds City & District Canine Association CC Mr. Frank Kane (non-breed specialist - Hirontower)
26 August 2018 Scottish Kennel Club Third in Open Mrs. Mary F. Pitcher (Seaking)
20 September 2018 Driffield Agricultural Society Second in Open Mrs. Maxine Munday (Kubear)
13 October 2018 The Newfoundland Club Second in Champion Mr. William Matlock (Windwagon - USA)
27 October 2018 Midland Counties Canine Society Third in Open Mrs. Judy A. Harrington (non-breed specialist - USA)
03 November 2018 Working & Pastoral Breeds Association of Scotland Third in Open Mr. Andrew R. Sussams (Sealcove)
24 November 2018 Southern Newfoundland Club Second in Open Mrs. Camilla Gothen (Ursula - Denmark)
24 November 2018 Southern Newfoundland Club First in Special Open - Brown Mrs. Camilla Gothen (Ursula - Denmark)
26 October 2019 The Newfoundland Club First in Special Open - Brown Ms. Marie-Pierre Delaunay (L'Iliade et l'Odyssée - France)


Note: Only 1st, 2nd and 3rd plus Best Dog, Best Bitch, Best Puppy and BIS results are shown. Minor placings, Best Colours, Best Veteran and Brace results are not recorded.
Date Show Class or Award Judge (Affix or info)
26 September 2015 Northern Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Junior Miss Alison Walden (Joalta)
26 September 2015 Northern Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Special Open - Brown Miss Alison Walden (Joalta)
06 August 2016 Northern Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Limit Ms. Allyson Y. King (non-breed specialist - Allyking)
06 August 2016 Northern Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Special Open - Brown Ms. Allyson Y. King (non-breed specialist - Allyking)
06 August 2016 The Newfoundland Club (Open Show) Second in Limit Mr. David C. Cavill (non-breed specialist - Toveri)
06 August 2016 The Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Special Open - Brown Mr. David C. Cavill (non-breed specialist - Toveri)
25 February 2017 The Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Limit Ms. Maggi Bryant (non-breed specialist - Panelma)
25 February 2017 The Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Special Open - Brown Ms. Maggi Bryant (non-breed specialist - Panelma)
05 August 2017 Northern Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Open Mr. W. John Lloyd (Cewrirdwr)
05 August 2017 Northern Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Special Open - Brown Mr. W. John Lloyd (Cewrirdwr)
05 August 2017 The Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Open Mr. Barry Blunden (non-breed specialist - Licassa)
05 August 2017 The Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Special Open - Brown Mr. Barry Blunden (non-breed specialist - Licassa)
26 August 2017 The Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Open Mrs. Agnes Wilson (non-breed specialist - Ursine)
09 September 2017 Southern Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Open Ms. Samantha Deary (Dearchary)
09 September 2017 Southern Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Special Open - Brown Ms. Samantha Deary (Dearchary)
05 May 2018 Southern Newfoundland Club (Open Show) Second in Open Mrs. Marina Scott (non-breed specialist - Belsmard)
05 May 2018 Southern Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Special Open - Brown Mrs. Marina Scott (non-breed specialist - Belsmard)
04 August 2018 Northern Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Special Open - Brown Mr. Paul T. Dodd (breed specialist)
04 August 2018 The Newfoundland Club (Open Show) First in Special Open - Brown Mr. William Dobbin Jnr. (Brooklynbear)
03 November 2018 The Newfoundland Club Third in Open Ms. Catherine Moffat (non-breed specialist - Kyleca)