
We are Paul and Alison Dodd and we live near Harwich in Essex with our four cats. Paul is an Internet Services Provider with a background in programming, database and computer systems management. Before we decided that Newfoundlands were the right breed for us we did a lot of research (as any prospective new owner should!) and n the process we collected a large amount of data from publicly available sources on bloodlines, health and show results. This web site started as our way of sharing that data and our love of the breed with other newfie owners, breeders, exhibitors and enthusiasts. Over the years it has expanded hugely and continues to grow with new data and show results being added all the time.


In addition to his Internet Services, Paul is also a semi-professional photographer specialising in photographing dog shows and other canine activities in all breeds. His photography web site is at He is a member of the team of show photographers for the Our Dogs newspaper and many of the exclusive photographs on this site are his work.

Thanks & Acknowledgements

Sandbears Perfection at 12 weeks of age
Beatrice at 12 weeks old

We are eternally grateful to Suzanne Blake of Sandbears who entrusted us with our first Newfoundland, our beautiful Flo and later our sweet-natured monster Beatrice, both of whom who sadly passed away in 2019. In 2020, knowing how much we missed our girls, with great kindness to us Suzanne let Winslow join our family for his retirement by the seaside. Winslow had enjoyed a stellar career in the show ring and with the most wonderful easy-going temperament everyone who met him fell for him - we were no exception, he quickly captured our hearts.

A word of thanks to the many newfie owners, exhibitors and judges we have met and who have been so friendly and encouraging and to those people who have taken the time and trouble to email us with kind remarks and constructive suggestions which have helped us to develop this web site.


We are grateful to the members of Grangewaters Working Newfoundlands, in Essex where we got started in water training with Flo as a pup. Without a newfie to work we are now 'lapsed' but the love of seeing this breed working remains. Paul is a Senior Section D judge for water tests.

Judging & Stewarding

We have thoroughly enjoyed both showing and working our dogs and recognise that without the judges, stewards and helpers those shows and events could not take place. Because of that, Paul regularly stewards at local open shows and water tests and is an occasional trainer at a local ringcraft group. In July 2024 he awarded his first Royal Kennel Club Challenge Certificates in Newfoundlands.

If you see us at a show or working event, come up and say "hello" and let us know you have visited our site. We are always happy to have comments (good ones hopefully!) and suggestions.

Some favourite photos

Hanningfield Princess Leia

Jan and "Ruby" - a picture of contentment.

Ch. Sheridel Nerissa of Alphabear, JW ShCM

"Head to Hedd"
- "Gracie" with her breeder Hedd Richards.

Flo at Grangewaters

"Flo" at eight months with Alison - not strictly a 'working shot' but taken shortly after a water training session on 14 June 2008.

Yogi diving in

"Yogi" - power dive, newfie style!

Zoe gets a thumbs-up

"Zoe" gets a thumbs-up from 'Mum' Cindy for a boat pull on her first(!) training session.

A super shot of a Newfoundland towing

"Maia" in a typical boat towing image.

Flo entering the sea

An artistic render of our "Flo".